Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thing #45: Gliffy and Mindmeister

Taking advantage of a quiet start to the year, I spent this afternoon getting to know Gliffy and Mindmeister. I found Mindmeister very easy to use and with Xmas still on my mind, mocked up a mindmap for tackling that dreaded of tasks: Christmas shopping! If you'd like to take a look at my map, here's the address:

I didn't find Gliffy as easy to use as Mindmeister but maybe this is because I looked at the screencast for using Mindmeister before creating my own map. Gliffy, I got to know through trial and error. I used Gliffy to create a flowchart for checking out an item on the library catalogue. It could do with a little more tinkering but here it is:

Just a little note, before I go, about the Google Groups NexGenLib. I was wrong about the group being defunct. They are very active as my Outlook Inbox will testify! It's interesting to read the posts. The participants are from a cross-section of the library and information sphere, mostly located in the States, but the issues that they face are very similar to those that we face in the Tax Office Library. It's a small world after all...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gliffy will have a new HD demo video in the next few weeks. Check back! debik at gliffy dot com