Sunday, July 15, 2007


I have just spent over an hour playing with the various Generator toys. I created my own Jackson Pollock artwork - it's no Blue Poles - more like multi-coloured inkspots and I generated my own C&W lyrics (I have a weakness for C&W) - to be sang with a Johnny Cash-style drawl:

I met her on the highway wrestlin' gators;
I can still recall that purple dress she wore;
She was drinkin' Dr. Pepper in her muu-muu,
and I knew it was a raven, nothing more;
My hamster thought I'd punch her out forever;
She said to me man wasn't meant to fly;
But who'd have thought she'd wind up on a surfboard;
But that's the way that pygmies say goodbye.

I created a librarian for the Simpsons but in trying to save her managed to lose her! I also played with the Dr Phil generator and managed to find a few homespun truths.

Here's a badge generated on the Official Badge Generator site:

...and lastly, I generated a research question with the Research Question Generator and came up with this topic: A high-level parallelizing compiler related to an optimized binary cache. I'm sure that we've all had topics that make as much sense as this one.

Still having fun,


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